Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 5 entries for tag: Briareus / Briareos

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Athena [Αθηνά (Athīná)]

This comic book is about the goddess Athena. On the inside of the front cover, we read about Athena’s temples on the Acropolis, her motherless status, and her many adjectives, which, we note, derive from Homer. Also, we learn about festivals honouring Athena. The book closes with Pericles praising Athena’s virtues. The story starts with young and beautiful Athena’s presentation to the world. She stands in Zeus’ hand as he sits on a throne surrounded by other O(...)


YEAR: 1965


Anatol’ Viartsinski

Hephaestus – the Friend of Prometheus [Гефест – друг Праметэя (Hefest – druh Prametėia)]

The story begins with a poetic prologue where Prometheus briefly gives answers to some questions and tells his story: “While the audience is getting into the mood for the performance, while the lights are fading out and the tableau curtains are being slowly drawn apart (this time they are drawn apart all too slowly), the dialogue starts, a question followed by the answer. The questions are asked by our time, by our contemporaries, by ourselves; they come from somewhere near, this side of t(...)


YEAR: 1983

COUNTRY: Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

John Harris , Mark Todd

My Monster Notebook

My Monster Notebook is a picture book that gives information about several mythological monsters: Echidna, Orthrus and Geryon, Briareus, Ethon, Argus, Lamia and Keto, the Teuemessian Fox, Hecate, Typhon, Erinyes, Proteus, Cacus, Circe, Triton (and the tritons), Graeae, Nereids, Talos, Python, and Ladon. It is formatted like a young teenager’s exercise book for a class project on Monsters, and uses trompe-l’oeil, collage and sketches to present the material. On the inside cover is a n(...)


YEAR: 2011

COUNTRY: United States of America

Craig Phillips, Tracey West

Zeus and the Dreadful Dragon (Heroes in Training, 15)

This is the fifteenth book in the Heroes in Training series (see Zeus and the thunderbolt of doom). In this installment, we finally arrive at the great battle between the 10 year olds Olympians and king Cronus and his army of Cronies.At the beginning of the story, the Olympians are on their way to mount Olympus, fearing the coming battle. Ron, the mortal hero, and Pegasus help them scan the land and locate the enemy’s army. Zeus, the leader of the group, does not have any tangible plan yet(...)


YEAR: 2018

COUNTRY: United States of America

Nicolas Duffaut, Hélène Montardre

Zeus, King of the Gods [Zeus le roi des dieux]

In the mountains on the island of Crete, in a secret clearing, nymphs live, sing, dance, and play undisturbed. A young boy called Zeus plays and runs in the hills trying to catch Amalthea, a goat with horns full of ambrosia. Zeus grows up and asks nymphs about his parents. At first, they speak only about his mother Rhea, but later they tell him about his father, Kronos, who, trying to prevent a prophecy, devours his children. Zeus was saved by Rhea, who gave birth to him on Crete and, to save hi(...)


YEAR: 2013