Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 25 entries for country: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Ivan Aksenchuk

A Great Relay [Большая эстафета (Bol’shaia ėstafeta)]

The film presents the history of the Olympic Games as bringing peace to the nations. The animation starts with a story of a nice woman being kidnapped by a handsome Greek soldier. Helen (it is apparently she) agrees with kidnapping after a while and takes her belongings with her.There is a pursuit across the sea, and the couple hides behind a city wall. A great war starts. We see also the Olympic gods watching the war. Some of them want to participate in it, but Zeus asks Apollo to pla(...)


YEAR: 1979

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Nikolai Smirnov

Caligula [Калигула (Kaligula)]

This short animated film is a post-apocalyptic science fiction story about the destruction of the world as a result of brain experiments on rats. It begins with a close-up of an ancient half-destroyed bust of Caligula. We see elements of the sculpture – one eye, a nose, a cracked forehead, an ear, hair, and a drop (of sweat?) flowing down his face. When the camera moves away, we see that the head is lying among ruins and rats are running among them. A rat climbs on the head, and looks(...)


YEAR: 1989

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Liudmila Razumovskaia

Dear Miss Elena [Дорогая Елена Сергеевна (Dorogaia Elena Sergeevna)]

This is a play in two acts for five actors. The characters are: a teacher of mathematics, Miss Elena (or Elena Sergeevna in Russian), and four pupils of the final year (the 10th grade) – three boys and a girl – Volodia, Vitia, Pasha and Lialia. The action takes place in a flat where Elena lives.The pupils come to their teacher pretending they want to wish her a happy birthday. The real reason for their visit is revealed later in the play. They bring her flowers and an expensive gift.(...)


YEAR: 1989

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Anatol’ Viartsinski

Hephaestus – the Friend of Prometheus [Гефест – друг Праметэя (Hefest – druh Prametėia)]

The story begins with a poetic prologue where Prometheus briefly gives answers to some questions and tells his story: “While the audience is getting into the mood for the performance, while the lights are fading out and the tableau curtains are being slowly drawn apart (this time they are drawn apart all too slowly), the dialogue starts, a question followed by the answer. The questions are asked by our time, by our contemporaries, by ourselves; they come from somewhere near, this side of t(...)


YEAR: 1983

COUNTRY: Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Eduard Artemyev, Valentin Berestov, Leonid Likhodeev, Viktor Omelchenko

Heron of Alexandria [Герон (Geron)]

The film is made as a cutout animation with elements of collage and hand-drawn animation. It describes the story of the mathematician Heron of Alexandria presenting him as a person ahead of his time. In the centre of the plot, there is an invention of a steam-powered device (aeolipile). The story is told by a narrator (the authors used the voice of Leonid Likhodeev, i.e., the actual script-writer of the film), who alternates it with fragments of poetry of Valentin Berestov. The main emphasis is (...)


YEAR: 1979

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Boris Buevsky, Volodymyr Dakhno , Eduard Kirych

How Cossacks Became Olympians [Как казаки олимпийцами стали (Kak kazaki olimpiĭtsami stali)]

The movie is the fifth in a series about the Cossacks produced by Volodymyr Dakhno between 1967 and 1995. The main heroes of the series are three Cossacks – Grai, the smartest and the tallest; Oko, the smallest one, but brave and a good shot (oko means “eye” in Ukrainian); Tur, the biggest and strongest, who is shy and sentimental (tur means “aurochs” in Ukrainian). The movie starts with a scene when the Cossacks are preparing kasha (a traditional Slavic&n(...)


YEAR: 1978

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Volodymyr Dakhno

How Cossacks Rescued Brides [Как казаки невест выручали (Kak kazaki nevest vyruchali)]

The movie is the third in a series about Cossacks produced by Volodymyr Dakhno. The series depicts adventures of three brave Cossacks: Grai, Oko and Tur.*The movie tells the story of Ukrainian young girls kidnapped by pirates. The girls are dressed in national costumes; singing a traditional Ukrainian song about the Sun, they float wreaths of cornflowers on a river, most probably celebrating the Kupala Night (the night of the Summer Solstice, the shortest, magical night in Slavic tradition). Thr(...)


YEAR: 1973

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Fyodor Khitruk

Icarus and Sages [Икар и мудрецы (Ikar i mudretsy)]

The movie tells the story of Icarus who lives among the sages. “All his neighbours, clever men, have already found their place in life and dedicated their leisure to philosophical conversations. […] And this one was… an eccentric.” During the movie Icarus tries to fly many times and falls watched by the eyes of the clever men, who tell him Latin proverbs. These “unquestionable truths” written on monuments tumble on fallen Icarus from heaven. Nevertheless Ica(...)


YEAR: 1976

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Tadeusz Zieliński

Iresiona. Attic Legends [Иресиона. Аттические сказки (Iresiona. Attičeskie skazki), Klechdy attyckie (Irezyona)]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.This collection of Attic legends is Zielinski’s only work of fiction. Originally they were written (in Russian) and published separately in various newspapers and magazines, only later were collected and published as one bo(...)


YEAR: 1921

COUNTRY: Poland Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Yuri Prytkov, Leonid Zavalniuk

Kolya, Olya and Archimedes [Коля, Оля и Архимед (Kolia, Olia i Arkhimed)]

This is a popular scientific animation for children about Archimedes and his discoveries. The story is set in Moscow and in ancient Greece. The main characters, contemporary children Kolya and Olya, get to ancient Syracuse during the Second Punic War, meet the great scientist and witness life of the ancient city. The story starts in a contemporary flat in Moscow, where Kolya is studying. We see a lot of books on his table (an open one has the name and portrait of Archimedes), a map of Sicil(...)


YEAR: 1972

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

Labyrinth. The Deeds of Theseus [Лабиринт. Подвиги Тесея (Labirint. Podvigi Teseia)]

Young Theseus finds his father’s sword and sandals and sets off for Athens. At the parting with Theseus, the Centaur Chiron advises him to use his strength only for good and promises a life full of great deeds. On the way to Athens, Theseus fights the Crommyonian Sow and Procrustes. Having met his father, Theseus decides to free the country from the Minotaur and travels to Crete with the other Athenians sent as tribute. He promises his father that he will put up white sails as a sign (...)


YEAR: 1971

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Vakhtang Bakhtadze

Narcissus [Нарцисс (Nartsiss)]

The action starts in a museum, in the Greek antiquities department. Among statues and frescos, we see Greek vases. The camera stops at a vase with a silhouette of a young man with a bow. The narrator says: “Long ago, in ancient Greece, according to tradition, Narcissus lived. The young man was extremely handsome, but heartless and inaccessible.” At this moment the image on the red-figure vase gets full colours and Narcissus steps off the vase and off the frame. The same happens to Ec(...)


YEAR: 1964

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Zinovy Gerdt , Sándor Kallós , Fyodor Khitruk

Olimpioniki [Олимпионики (Olimpioniki)]

This is an educational movie describing the history of the Olympic Games in the form of short funny stories. It was filmed during the 1980 Olympics held in the USSR.The movie is animated, however its last part includes found footage – documentary photo and video materials from modern Olympic Games, finishing with the Moscow Olympics. The animated material is based on ancient vase painting, sculptures, and architecture that is included extensively in the film. It talks about the origin(...)


YEAR: 1982

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

Perseus [Персей (Perseĭ)]

Perseus, a cheerful and kind young man, goes to kill the Gorgon Medusa. He meets Hermes, who helps him, gives him his sword and shield, and sends him to the three Graeae to get flying sandals and a magic bag. Hermes, as a god of “calculation and profit”, teaches Perseus how to take advantage of his deeds, but Perseus behaves like an altruist and a kind person. Unlike in the Ovid’s version of the myth, he does not cheat the Graeae and does not steal their eye. On the contrary, h(...)


YEAR: 1973

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Vasily Livanov

Phaethon, the Son of Sun [Фаэтон – сын Солнца (Faėton – syn Solntsa)]

This animated film is made as a science-fiction “hypothesis” film that includes a mythical story in its narration. It starts with a scientific meeting at a planetarium. The scientist says: “This secret has been worrying astronomers from ancient times. Back in the 17th* century, scientists noticed a mathematical pattern in the distance between the planets and the sun.”** The researcher presents to the audience the Titius-Bode law about a hypothetical planet that existed be(...)


YEAR: 1972

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

Prometheus [Прометей (Prometeĭ)]

On Mount Olympus there is a divine fire guarded by an Eagle. Hephaestus invents a machine with four hands to guard the fire. Caring for mortals on Earth, Prometheus steals the fire and gives it to them. Human beings are transformed into civilized Greeks thanks to this gift.Zeus sends the Eagle and Hephaestus to extinguish the fire on Earth and to punish Prometheus. Due to the flood sent by Zeus, the fire is almost completely out. Prometheus gives the last spark to a human family he meets. People(...)


YEAR: 1974

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Rolan Bykov, Vladimir Zheleznikov

Scarecrow [Чучело (Chuchelo)]

The main character of the film is Lena Bessoltseva, a 6th grade pupil who comes from Moscow to a small Russian town to her grandfather Nikolai Nikolaevich. She lives with him and attends school in the town. Lena is a very open, sincere and honest person. She has a funny, clumsy look. She has long braids, a big mouth and a smile. She is very thin. Her classmates laugh at her and call her a scarecrow, “grinning like a Cheshire cat” [“Рот до ушей, хоть завязочки пришей!&rdquo(...)


YEAR: 1984

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Nina Vasilenko

The Adventures of Aeneas the Cossack [Пригоди Козака Енея (Pryhody Kozaka Eneia)]

The film is an abridged version of Aeneid by Ivan Kotliarevsky (see here), fragments of which are read by a narrator. Although the animation exploits all the main themes, it omits many storylines of Virgil or Kotliarevsky. It starts with presenting the portrait of Ivan Kotliarevsky, dedicating the film to his anniversary. Then, we see a head of an ancient female statue, followed by a scene of three statues on the pedestals: Juno (in the style of Juno Barberini), Venus (a variant of the Venus de (...)


YEAR: 1969

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Shalva Azmaiparashvili, Lado (Vladimir) Gudiashvili, Vladimir (Lado) Mujiri

The Argonauts / Colchis [Аргонавты / Колхида (Argonavty / Kolkhida)]

This is a black and white silent film with intertitles and music. It relates the feats of the Argonauts which are presented as the draining of the Colchis valley and a war with mosquitoes.The film starts with a quotation from Lavrentiy Beria: “LET US GIVE LEMONS, TANGERINES AND ORANGES TO THE TABLE OF THE WORKING OF THE SOVIET COUNTRY.”A young man and a girl dressed in Georgian national costumes sit under a tree having a picnic with shashlik. The man plays music, the girl sings. They(...)


YEAR: 1936

COUNTRY: Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Jemal Bagashvili, Aleksander Basilaia, Evgeny Ginzburg

The Argonauts [არგონავტები (Argonavtebi)] / Merry Chronicle of a Dangerous Voyage [Веселая хроника опасного путешествия (Vesёlaia khronika opasnogo puteshestviia)]

The movie presents the myth of the Argonauts in contemporary setting. It starts with an introduction about Tim Severin’s expedition to Georgia in 1984 and then presents the director’s version of the myth. The movie contains most of the main elements of the classical myth. It tells briefly the story of Jason and Pelias, describes the building of “Argo” (which looks exactly like Tim Severin’s “Argo”) and the assembling of the team. Then it presents adventu(...)


YEAR: 1986

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Yulian Kalisher, Nikolai Karetnikov , Yunna Morits

The Birth of Heracles [Рождение Геракла (Rozhdenie Gerakla)]

This is a stop-motion animation, it starts with the depiction of stars and constellations and a poem about the greatness of ancient Greeks who had exceptional astronomical knowledge. Story of Heracles is shown as a fable about stars. The movie centers on the conflict between Hera and Alcmene. Hera as a ruthless and almighty goddess wants to start a war between humans and gods. For this purpose she sends monsters to Earth (Hydra, Cerberus, the Nemean lion). At that time Alcmene gives birth t(...)


YEAR: 1982

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Tadeusz Zieliński

The Fabulous Antiquity [Сказочная древность (Skazochnaya drevnost’)]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp. Starożytność bajeczna [The Fabulous Antiquity] is the first part of the Świat antyczny [The Ancient World] series – four books by Tadeusz Zieliński about the past of Ancient Greece and Rome. It is a compilation o(...)


YEAR: 1922

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Janka Maŭr

The Journey to Hell: A Fairy Tale [Падарожжа ў пекла: байка (Padarozhzha ŭ pekla: baĭka)]

The Journey to Hell is a satirical anti-religious fable in 7 parts. It describes adventures of two Soviet pioneers in a mythological Hell which combines ancient, Christian, and traditional Slavic features and topoi. The fable starts with a short introduction providing basic information about Hell as present in the collective consciousness and some quantitative data cited after quasi-scientific Soviet sources and books on religious themes, including The Divine Comedy by Dante. The introduction is(...)


YEAR: 1929

COUNTRY: Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

The Return from Olympus [Возвращение с Олимпа (Vozvrashchenie s Olimpa)]

Heracles in company of Zeus’ Eagle returns to Earth for one night. In the sanctuary, they see a statue of Heracles and black figure frescoes presenting his labours (“all twelve of them”). Looking at the frescoes Heracles and the Eagle retell some of the labours. The apples of Hesperides and the liberation of Prometheus are presented as short stories within the main plot. While reminiscing about the past, the heroes discuss whether Heracles acted by the will of the gods or (...)


YEAR: 1969

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Otari Dumbadze

The Rock of Sisyphus [Камень Сизифа (Kamen' Sizifa)]

The film is made as a hand-drawn animation with colourful schematic pictures that smoothly flow into one another, changing colour patterns. It starts with a white dot on a blue and brown background that evolves into the figure of a man pushing a rock. During the entire film the man is rolling the rock or lets it fall.In the first part of the film, we see the face of Zeus, and the narrator announces the verdict to Sisyphus: “Not for wisdom, not for royalty, not for the care of his peop(...)


YEAR: 1980

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)