Title of the work
Country of the First Edition
Country/countries of popularity
Original Language
First Edition Date
First Edition Details
Andrzej Majewski, Adam niestrudzony wędrowiec, ill. Marcin Giejson. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Salezjańskie, 2002, 184 pp.
Official Website
andrzejmajewski.com (accessed: July 5, 2021)
Available Onllne
andrzejmajewski.com (accessed: July 5, 2021)
docplayer.pl (accessed: July 5, 2021)
Narrative poetry
Target Audience
Illustrations by Marcin Giejson. Courtesy of the author.
Author of the Entry:
Summary: Gabriela Rogowska, Univeristy of Warsaw, g.rogowska@al.uw.edu.pl
Analysis: Marta Pszczolińska, University of Warsaw, m.pszczolinska@al.uw.edu.pl
Peer-reviewer of the Entry:
Katarzyna Marciniak, University of Warsaw, kamar@al.uw.edu.pl
Elżbieta Olechowska, University of Warsaw, elzbieta.olechowska@gmail.com