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Showing 1 entry for tag: Athamas

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Natalia Kapatsoulia, Filippos Mandilaras

The Golden Fleece [Το χρυσόμαλλο δέρας (To chrysómallo déras)]

King Athamas, prompted by his second wife Ino, intends to sacrifice his son, Phrixus, but a golden ram appears and carries Phrixus away. Phrixus and his sister, Helle, ride the flying ram across the seas. Helle falls to her death over a narrow sea passage. At Colchis, Phrixus sacrifices the ram to Zeus and offers its golden fleece to king Aeetes. A dragon guards the fleece. Many years later, Jason requests the golden fleece from Aeetes. To receive it Jason is tasked with ploughing the land (...)


YEAR: 2012