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Showing 1 entry for year: 1791

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Nikolaĭ Osipov

Virgil’s Aeneid Travestied Inside Out [Виргилиева Энеида, вывороченная наизнанку (Virgilieva Ėneida, vyvorochennaia naiznanku)]

Virgil’s Aeneid Travestied Inside Out by N. Osipov is remarkably close to Vergil’s Aeneid in plot. Every part (song) of the poem is preceded by a short summary of what the part narrates. After the fall of Troy, a fleet led by Aeneas (“a daring young man, / And the most skillful fellow”) begins a long voyage to find a new home. Juno wants to disturb them, she asks Aeolus to set a storm, which will destroy the Trojan fleet. Neptune, angry with Juno's intervention i(...)


YEAR: 1791

COUNTRY: Russian Empire