Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 2 entries for tag: Laodice

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams

Cassandra the Lucky (Goddess Girls, 12)

General summary for the series see under Athena the Brain.Cassandra is the daughter of Trojan royalty Priam and Hecuba. Along with her twin brother Helenus, she has the gift of foreseeing the future, and sells the fortunes as fortune cookies. Yet there is a problem with Cassandra’s prophecies: “Prophecies no one ever believed, unfortunately, despite their truth. Instead she was widely considered to be a liar [...]” (pp. 49–50). This was the result of a curse Apollo p(...)


YEAR: 2013

COUNTRY: United States of America

Clemence McLaren

Inside the Walls of Troy: A Novel of the Women Who Lived the Trojan War

This novel tells the story of the Trojan War from the perspective of Helen and Cassandra. The first third is narrated in first person by Helen, and tells of her abduction by Theseus, her realisation of the power of her own beauty, her marriage to Menelaus and the birth of her daughter Hermione. Helen is a sweet and pleasure loving girl who somewhat reluctantly persuades herself to be the dutiful wife to Menelaus. She is close to her less beautiful older cousin Penelope, but becomes angry when sh(...)


YEAR: 1996

COUNTRY: United States of America