Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 13 entries for tag: Hecuba

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams

Cassandra the Lucky (Goddess Girls, 12)

General summary for the series see under Athena the Brain.Cassandra is the daughter of Trojan royalty Priam and Hecuba. Along with her twin brother Helenus, she has the gift of foreseeing the future, and sells the fortunes as fortune cookies. Yet there is a problem with Cassandra’s prophecies: “Prophecies no one ever believed, unfortunately, despite their truth. Instead she was widely considered to be a liar [...]” (pp. 49–50). This was the result of a curse Apollo p(...)


YEAR: 2013

COUNTRY: United States of America

Frank C. Papé, Francis Storr

Half a Hundred Hero Tales of Ulysses and the Men of Old

This is a collection of fifty Greek myths for children written by a number of different authors and including ten retellings from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales. Seventeen stories deal with the Trojan War and its aftermath. Most retellings stay fairly close to ancient literary versions, although a few are more innovative. Black and white illustrations depict key scenes.Featured Stories:Pluto and Proserpine (by H.P. Maskell),Pan and Syrinx (by Mrs Guy E. Ll(...)


YEAR: 1911

COUNTRY: United States of America

Clemence McLaren

Inside the Walls of Troy: A Novel of the Women Who Lived the Trojan War

This novel tells the story of the Trojan War from the perspective of Helen and Cassandra. The first third is narrated in first person by Helen, and tells of her abduction by Theseus, her realisation of the power of her own beauty, her marriage to Menelaus and the birth of her daughter Hermione. Helen is a sweet and pleasure loving girl who somewhat reluctantly persuades herself to be the dutiful wife to Menelaus. She is close to her less beautiful older cousin Penelope, but becomes angry when sh(...)


YEAR: 1996

COUNTRY: United States of America

Natalia Kapatsoulia, Filippos Mandilaras

Paris and Beautiful Helen [Ο Πάρις και η ωραία Ελένη (O Páris kai i ōraía Elénī)]

The story starts with pregnant Hecuba, Queen of Troy, having a bad dream. The seer Aesacus advises Hecuba to kill her child. If she does not Troy will be destroyed. Priam asks a herdsman to abandon the newborn child in the mountains. The herdsman leaves the baby under an olive tree. When he returns in a week’s time he sees the infant playing with a bear and decides to raise the child as his own. He names the child Paris. The years go by and Paris becomes handsome and good with words. When (...)


YEAR: 2012


Stuart Hill, Sandra Lawrence

The Atlas of Heroes. A World of Heroes from Myth and Legend

This atlas is large in scale (at 28x34 cm) and sumptuously illustrated with hand-drawn maps decorated with numerous heroes associated with each location. The figures on the maps are numbered, and these correspond to a companion page which features summaries of each hero. The maps are double-framed within an introductory story communicated via text and illustration; a young girl discovers the atlas as part of a stash of items in an attic, and the atlas features notes added by her as she uncovers (...)


YEAR: 2018

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Celina Elmi, Valentina Orlando

The Iliad: Homer for Fun [L'Iliade – Omero per gioco]

As is it noted on the book’s cover, “this series of abridged books certainly doesn’t intend to replace the originals of the classics they represent, but rather aims to render them accessible and attractive for young people (and… also not-so-young)”. This is a perfect summary of the series, which incorporates the mythical stories with the help of visually attractive and highly colorful illustrations on each page; the text is written on top of these paintings which c(...)


YEAR: 2014


Margery Jean Gill, Roger Lancelyn Green

The Luck of Troy

The Luck of Troy transforms the Trojan War saga into an original story focalised through the character of the twelve year old boy Nicostratus, the son of Menelaus and Helen. Having been brought to Troy by his mother when he was a baby, Nico grows up in the besieged city, with only hazy memories of Greece and his father, and a deeply conflicted sense of identity and loyalty. As the war’s impact intensifies, most of the Trojans reject and persecute him as a traitor, but he finds some comfort(...)


YEAR: 1961

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Theresa Tomlinson

The Moon Riders

This novel follows over a decade in the life of the Moon Riders, a group of warrior priestesses from various tribes who serve the moon goddess Maa and travel across Asia Minor. They are called “Amazons” by outsiders. In particular, the novel focuses on a young Mazagardi Moon Rider named Myrina, and her friendship with the Trojan princess Cassandra. Tomlinson looks at gender politics and freedom from the point of view of a protagonist from an egalitarian society. Told in third person,(...)


YEAR: 2002

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Roger Lancelyn Green, Betty Middleton-Sandford

The Tale of Troy

Roger Lancelyn Green’s The Tale of Troy stresses that the origins of the Trojan War go right back to the beginning of Zeus’ reign, when Prometheus prophesised that the sea nymph Thetis would give birth to a son who would grow up to be greater than his father. In order to preserve his power, Zeus changed his mind about being Thetis’ consort, and instead arranged for her to be married to the minor hero Peleus. All the Olympians attended the celebration, except for Eris, the godde(...)


YEAR: 1958

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

John Malam, Peter Rutherford , David Salariya

The Wooden Horse of Troy

The book presents a variant of the myth of Troy. The story of the building of the city walls by Poseidon, Apollo, and Aeacus is followed by the story of the judgment of Paris and its consequences, direct: the reward for giving the first place to Aphrodite, and indirect: the Trojan War. The author describes the fight between the Trojans and the Greeks, the secret help of the gods, the disputes between the warriors in each of the camps (e. g. Agamemnon's quarrel with Achilles, Ajax vs. (...)


YEAR: 2004

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Jan Parandowski

Trojan War [Wojna trojańska]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.Trojan War is an adaptation of the Iliad. In chapter one, Helen’s Rape, Parandowski explains the causes of the Trojan War. Chapter two tells the story of Achilles’ wrath, from which theme the action in the Iliad (...)


YEAR: 1927


Piotr Fąfrowicz, Zofia Stanecka

Troy. A Story of the City's Fall [Troja. Historia upadku miasta]

The story is a brief description of the Trojan War written for children aged 6–7 who are learning how to read. The classical story begins and ends with a pacifist message saying that every war, even if it generates stories about heroic deeds, is a dreadful event that causes tears and leaves towns in ruins.(...)


YEAR: 2017


Leonid Gore, Kate Hovey

Voices of the Trojan War

Voices of the Trojan War recounts the saga of Troy in verse. The book is a collection of 53 short poems, bookended by an invocation and epilogue. Most of the poems are in the form ABAB, but a few feature other patterns of rhyme and rhythm. Each one has a title, and is preceded by a classical epigraph. Excerpts from Homer’s Iliad and book two of Virgil’s Aeneid feature numerous times, but there are also references to The Odyssey, the plays of Euripides, Ovid, and Lucian. The book(...)


YEAR: 2004

COUNTRY: United States of America