Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 4 entries for tag: Silenus

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Stanisław Srokowski

The Donkey’s Ears of King Midas [Ośle uszy króla Midasa]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.The story begins with a detailed description of Dionysus’ entourage – thiasos (θίασος): one member of the thiasos, the old Silenus, drank too much wine and fell asleep in the gard(...)


YEAR: 1992


Avraham Regelson

The Horse’s Spring: Stories form the Greek Myth [Ein Hasus: sipurim mehamitos hyevani, עין הסוס – סיפורים מהמיתוס היווני]

A collection of mythological stories in poetic language for children. The book contains the following tales: the nine muses; Eurynome who created the world; Gaia and Uranus, and their offsprings; Rhea and Cronus; the Olympian gods; Hera throws Hephaestus; Prometheus and Epimetheus; Pandora’s box; Prometheus tricks Zeus; Prometheus steals the fire; Zeus and Leto; Zeus and Asteria; birth of Apollo; stories about Apollo; Zeus and Mia; Hermes; Zeus and Semele; Dionysus; Silanus and Dionysus; T(...)


YEAR: 1966


Braden Lamb, Ryan North, Shelli Paroline

The Midas Flesh: Volume One

The Midas Flesh follows a trio of friends who have formed a spaceship crew to battle an intergalactic authority known as The Federation. The friends include Captain Joey, a snarky and impulsive woman; Fatima, a compassionate woman who is the ship’s navigator and a hijabi; and Cooper, an anthropomorphic male dinosaur. Other notable characters include Sluggo, a slug-like creature who works for The Federation and is Fatima’s ex-boyfriend, and General Russ of The Federation, the primary (...)


YEAR: 2014

COUNTRY: United States of America

Braden Lamb, Ryan North, Shelli Paroline

The Midas Flesh: Volume Two

The Midas Flesh follows a trio of friends who have formed a spaceship crew to battle an intergalactic authority known as The Federation. The friends include Captain Joey, a snarky and impulsive woman; Fatima, a compassionate woman who is the ship’s navigator and a hijabi; and Cooper, an anthropomorphic male dinosaur. Other notable characters include Sluggo, a slug-like creature who works for The Federation and is Fatima’s ex-boyfriend, and General Russ of The Federation, the primary (...)


YEAR: 2015

COUNTRY: United States of America