Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 3 entries for tag: Mysteries

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Richard Woff

Bright-Eyed Athena in the Stories of Ancient Greece

In the women’s quarters of a house in ancient Athens, a young woman learns the art of spinning from older women as they create intricate tapestries while narrating inter-related stories about deities, creatures, heroines and heroes. The stories bear especially upon Athena, the goddess whose cult the women serve as creators of the Panathenaic robe. The young woman – herself to be an initiate in the Mysteries of Athena – listens spellbound to the stories which include Athena&rsqu(...)


YEAR: 1999

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Henry Lion Oldie

The Grandson of Perseus. Book 1: My Grandfather is Exterminator [Внук Персея. Книга I: Мой дедушка – Истребитель (Vnuk Perseia. Kniga I: Moi dedushka – Istrebitel')]

This is a heroic fantasy fiction based on the rare versions of myths of Perseus and Amphitryon, aimed at young adults, in novel format. Prequel to the novel A Hero Must Be Alone, published 17 years before by the same authors. The novel tells about the childhood and youth of Amphitryon and his exploits, preceded the birth of Hercules.The plot of the first book (My Grandfather Is Exterminator, 2011) evolves around sibling rivalry and ideological confrontation between two sons of Zeus from mortal w(...)


YEAR: 2011


Yan Marchand, Donatien Mary

The Mysteries of Heraclitus [Les Mystères d'Héraclite]

Young Heraclitus falls in love with Népias, the daughter of the wealthiest citizen of Ephesus. To gain favour with her father, Mélancontes, the young man, begins to actively participate in the life of the city: religious ceremonies and Assembly meetings. Being a descendant of Athenian kings, under whose direction are held the Mysteries of Demeter Eleusinia, Heraclitus departs for the ceremony of initiation, where he is to join the cult and realize that his soul is immortal. After d(...)


YEAR: 2015