Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 3 entries for tag: Peneus

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Tony Ross , Francesca Simon

Helping Hercules

Helping Hercules tells the story of a young girl named Susan who does not want to help or do chores at home. She finds a magic coin that takes her back to Ancient Greece where she becomes entangled in scenarios from Greek mythology – she has to help Hercules clean out Augean stables, help Orpheus get Eurydice back from Hades, help Paris choose between the goddesses, help Bellerophon capture Pegasus to find the chimera, fight Medusa, deal with Midas, and help Hercules get the apples from th(...)


YEAR: 1999

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Mary Helen Beckwith, Susanne Lathrop

In Mythland

This is a collection of Greek myths for kindergarten children, retold in very simple language using poetry verse lines (although the lines do not rhyme). The stories are lightly told, with disturbing details obscured, and there is a focus on child characters. It is illustrated throughout with line drawings, often showing one of the main characters contemplating something.Featured Stories:Epimetheus and Pandora,How Daphne Became a Tree,Aeolus, the Keeper of the Winds,Latona and the Frogs,Theseus,(...)


YEAR: 1896

COUNTRY: United States of America