Showing 21 entries for tag: Augean Stables
Jetdogs Studios , Zoom Out Games
Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams
Athena the Wise (Goddess Girls, 5)
Gerald Vinestock, G. William
Crib and the Labours of Hercules
Kate McMullan , Denis Zilber
Get to Work, Hercules! (Myth-O-Mania, 7)
Brandon Terrell
Greek Mythology's Twelve Labors of Hercules: A Choose Your Path Book
Rocco Negri, Ian Serraillier
Bernard Evslin
Shannon Eric Denton
Mark Hess, Kathryn Lasky
Hercules: The Man, the Myth, the Hero
Steve Kurth , Barbara Schulz, Paul D. Storrie
Linda Cavallini, Alex Frith
Hercules: The World's Strongest Man
Ryan Madison
Hercules’ First Six Tasks: Short Stories Teens to Young Adult
Marc Cerasini , Isidre Mones
Step Into Reading: The Twelve Labors of Hercules
Gary Baseman, John Harris
Strong Stuff: Herakles and his Labors
Natallia Bashava , Siarheĭ Kavalioŭ , Kanstantsin Veranitsyn
Taras on Parnassus [Тарас на Парнасе (Taras na Parnase)]
Estudio Haus , Blake Hoena
The 12 Labors of Hercules: A Graphic Retelling
Robert Baxter, I. M. Richardson
Jerzy Flisak, Anna M. Komornicka
The Thread of Ariadne, or Finding Your Way [Nić Ariadny, czyli po nitce do kłębka]
Robert Newman
Piatro Vasiuchenka
Christina Balit, James Riordan
The Twelve Labours of Hercules