Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 3 entries for tag: Acis

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Riccardo Francaviglia

Myths in Sicily: Thunderbolts I [I miti in Sicilia: I fulmini, 1]

This book (the first of a 2-books series) explores the Greek myths that are found in Sicily. The myths narrated in this volume are: the creation of the world and the struggle between Titans, Gods and Giants; Odysseus in Sicily (Polyphemus, Aeolus, Scylla and Charybdis); Daphnis and Nomia; Artemis and Orion; Acis and Galatea. The focus is on the Sicilian connections to the myths (places, natural phenomena). Each story is accompanied by an illustration and also includes extra information boxe(...)


YEAR: 2015


Sabina Colloredo , La Tram

The Beauty of Medusa and the Other Faces of the Myth [La bellezza di Medusa e gli altri volti del mito]

The Beauty of Medusa and the Other Faces of the Myth is an illustrated children’s novel which retells some of the most popular myths from an unusual point of view. It is divided into six short chapters, where the author gives voice – in the order of appearance – to Medusa, Minotaur, Pandora, Polyphemus, Persephone, and Phaeton, all of whom tell their story first-hand. Medusa grows up with an alcoholic violent father, described as a monstrous being, and a beautiful but surl(...)


YEAR: 2019


Julio Fuentes, Rosa Navarro Durán

The Great Book of Mythology [El Gran Libro de la Mitología]

El Gran Libro de la Mitología is a beautifully presented compilation of selected Greek and Roman myths and legends. The book is divided into 27 short chapters and in each chapter, a myth is paraphrased, with key characters and the critical events highlighted. Where applicable, Navarro draws attention to the influence of the myths on the Spanish arts and literature. Included in the compilation are the myths concerning the following major events and characters: Apolo y Dafane (Apollo a(...)


YEAR: 2019