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Showing 7 entries for tag: Ganymede

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Sònia González, Jaime Moreno Delgado

100 Myths. Gods, Heroes and Legendary Creatures [100 Mitos. Dioses, Héroes y Criaturas Legendarias]

100 Mitos is a compilation of 100 classical myths and legends for children. The book is divided into three parts called Gods and Titans (Dioses y titanes), Heroes, Demi-gods and Humans (Héroes, semidioses y humanos), and Legendary Creatures (Criaturas legendarias). In Dioses y Titanes, the stories included relate to the following characters, places and events: Aphrodite (Afrodita); Apollo (Apolo), Ares; Artemis (Ártemis); Asclepius (Asclepio); Athena (Atenea); Atlas; Charon (C(...)


YEAR: 2019


Emma Chichester Clark, Geraldine McCaughrean

Orchard Book of Roman Myths

This is a retelling of Roman myths, meant for ages 9–12, that takes the readers through a fantastic journey of cultural transition, from Troy to Rome. It combines some tales of Greek mythology with Roman myths (Romulus and Remus, the Sibylline prophecies, Tages, Camillus, Lara, the Sabine Women, Aeneas). The chapters of the book are as follows:Introduction: explains how the Romans translated the Greek gods, creating their own mythology where the main concept was "duty". 1) T(...)


YEAR: 1999

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Terry Denton

Story Maze. The Obelisk of Eno (Story Maze, 6)

The sixth book in the "Storymaze" series follows the surfing adventures of Nico, Claudia, and Mikey through parallel worlds and across the universe. The story begins with yet another attempt by protagonist Nico to win the surfing world championship on the planet Ganymede. This time he is confident of victory given that his main rival, Hercules, has been sent to the Underworld to retrieve Cerberus. By some twist of traveling fate, they accidentally arrive on the reverse of Ganymede, the(...)


YEAR: 2003

COUNTRY: Australia

Harold Robert Millar, Edith Nesbit

The Enchanted Castle

The Enchanted Castle is the story of three children, Gerald, Jimmy, and Kathleen who while exploring in their school holidays discover a hidden entrance to the gardens of Yalding Manor. These elaborate gardens include a statue of Diana and Hermes and a Temple of Phoebus, which convince the children that the grounds are enchanted. They find a fairy-tale sleeping princess, who is the housekeeper’s niece, in the middle of the maze in the rose garden. The princess joins them in their game of p(...)


YEAR: 1907

COUNTRY: United Kingdom

Julio Fuentes, Rosa Navarro Durán

The Great Book of Mythology [El Gran Libro de la Mitología]

El Gran Libro de la Mitología is a beautifully presented compilation of selected Greek and Roman myths and legends. The book is divided into 27 short chapters and in each chapter, a myth is paraphrased, with key characters and the critical events highlighted. Where applicable, Navarro draws attention to the influence of the myths on the Spanish arts and literature. Included in the compilation are the myths concerning the following major events and characters: Apolo y Dafane (Apollo a(...)


YEAR: 2019


Aleksander Wojciech Mikołajczak

The Greece of Gods and Heroes [Grecja bogów i herosów]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp. A compilation of Greek myths, abundantly illustrated (photographs of mythology-inspired art, ancient and modern). In the beginning there was Chaos, from which Gaia, Tartarus and Eros emerged. Gaia gave birth to and married (...)


YEAR: 2000


Liudmila Rubleŭskaia

The Old World Myths of the Town of B* [Старасвецкія міфы горада Б* (Starasvietskiia mify horada B*)]

The old world myths of the town of B* is a cycle of 12 stories. Each one starts with a short author's retelling of an ancient Greek myth. The title of the story includes the main characters of the corresponding ancient myths, and its plot follows the stated synopsis. The protagonists, who inhabit a generic Belarusian town at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, repeat the fate of ancient heroes. The similarity is vividly emphasized by the parallel details of the story:Artemis and Ac(...)


YEAR: 2001

COUNTRY: Belarus