Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 6 entries for country: Spain

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Sònia González, Jaime Moreno Delgado

100 Myths. Gods, Heroes and Legendary Creatures [100 Mitos. Dioses, Héroes y Criaturas Legendarias]

100 Mitos is a compilation of 100 classical myths and legends for children. The book is divided into three parts called Gods and Titans (Dioses y titanes), Heroes, Demi-gods and Humans (Héroes, semidioses y humanos), and Legendary Creatures (Criaturas legendarias). In Dioses y Titanes, the stories included relate to the following characters, places and events: Aphrodite (Afrodita); Apollo (Apolo), Ares; Artemis (Ártemis); Asclepius (Asclepio); Athena (Atenea); Atlas; Charon (C(...)


YEAR: 2019


Gisela Baños, Victor Sabaté

Mythological Monsters [Monstruos Mitológicos]

Monstruos Mitológicos is an engaging exploration of the mythological creatures of the classical world. The illustrated chapter book selects fourteen monsters and beasts from ancient Greece; these include the ghastly and terrifying and the incredible and awe-inspiring. Included in the selection are the Minotaur ("Minotauro"), Medusa, the Sphinx ("la Esfinge"), mermaids ("las sirenas"), Chimera ("Quimera"), and the Harpies ("las arpías&quo(...)


YEAR: 2019


Carlos Goñi Zubieta

Tell Me a Myth [Cuéntame un mito]

Cuéntame un mito is an unillustrated compilation of 43 classical myths. The myths included in the book related to the following events, objects, characters and places: Musas; Crono; Prometeo; Acontius; Io; Actaeon; Danae; Medusa; Oedipus; Daffodil and Echo; Psykhe; Phaeton; the rape of Persphone; Orpheus and Eurydice; the apple of Eris; Paris; Helen; the sacrifice of Iphigenia; Achilles; Patroclus; Amazon; the horse of Troy; Ulysses; Flora; Polyphemus; Aeolus; Circe; Sirens; the cows of t(...)


YEAR: 2012


Julio Fuentes, Rosa Navarro Durán

The Great Book of Mythology [El Gran Libro de la Mitología]

El Gran Libro de la Mitología is a beautifully presented compilation of selected Greek and Roman myths and legends. The book is divided into 27 short chapters and in each chapter, a myth is paraphrased, with key characters and the critical events highlighted. Where applicable, Navarro draws attention to the influence of the myths on the Spanish arts and literature. Included in the compilation are the myths concerning the following major events and characters: Apolo y Dafane (Apollo a(...)


YEAR: 2019


Rosa Navarro Durán , Francesc Rovira

The Odyssey Told to Children [La Odisea Contada a los Niños]

La Odisea Contada a los Niños (La Odisea) is an adaptation of The Odyssey, the classical Greek epic poem by Homer. The illustrated chapter book narrates the adventures of Ulysses ("Ulises" in Spanish), the king of Ithaca, on his long and treacherous journey home from Troy after successfully winning the war against the Trojans. Ulysses faces many challenges on his journey. He battles with supernatural, terrible and ghastly monsters and creatures, loses  members of his crew a(...)


YEAR: 2007


Peakaboo Animation , Eduardo Acín Dal Maschio, Carla Pascual Riog

The Odyssey [La Odisea]

La Odisea is an adaptation of the classical Greek epic poem, The Odyssey, by Homer. The illustrated chapter book narrates the adventures of Ulysses (Ulises in Spanish), the king of Ithaca, on his long and treacherous journey home from Troy after successfully winning the war against the Trojans. Ulysses faces many challenges on his journey. He battles with supernatural, terrible and ghastly monsters and creatures, loses his members of his crew and possessions, but still he perseveres, motivated b(...)


YEAR: 2019