Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 5 entries for tag: Cetus

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Alfred Ledwig, Stanisław Pagaczewski

An Adventure on Rhodes [Przygoda na Rodos]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.In terms of the plot, this book (an adventure novel with elements of fantasy) can be regarded as a continuation of the trilogy about the adventures of the Wawel Dragon, but the action does not take place in the Middle-Ages but in(...)


YEAR: 1982


Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams

Medusa the Mean (Goddess Girls, 8)

General summary for the series see under Athena the Brain.In this installment, Medusa, the mean girl of previous volumes, is the unlikely heroine. As the only mortal in school, she feels insecure and is desperate to fit in, and we are shown that, despite her spiteful behaviour, she has feelings too. Medusa hates her mortality and wishes to be like the other immortal students “How she longed to be like them!” (p. 7). All she really wants to is to truly feel like she fits in, as A(...)


YEAR: 2012

COUNTRY: United States of America

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

Perseus [Персей (Perseĭ)]

Perseus, a cheerful and kind young man, goes to kill the Gorgon Medusa. He meets Hermes, who helps him, gives him his sword and shield, and sends him to the three Graeae to get flying sandals and a magic bag. Hermes, as a god of “calculation and profit”, teaches Perseus how to take advantage of his deeds, but Perseus behaves like an altruist and a kind person. Unlike in the Ovid’s version of the myth, he does not cheat the Graeae and does not steal their eye. On the contrary, h(...)


YEAR: 1973

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Renae De Liz , Ray Dillon

The Legend of Wonder Woman: Origins

The Legend of Wonder Woman: Origins is a graphic novel retelling an updated origin story for the iconic superhero Wonder Woman. The story follows her journey from her island home of Themyscira into the outside world during World War II.In ancient times, Zeus granted the Amazon Hippolyta and her sisters immortality. They created an island of women free from greed and hatred. Their island, Themyscira, is kept secret from the rest of the world in an unknown location. As an immortal, Hippolyta is un(...)


YEAR: 2016

COUNTRY: United States of America

Anne Ursu

The Siren Song (The Cronus Chronicles, 2)

Five months after the events of The Shadow Thieves, both Charlotte and Zee have managed to find a return to normality following their victory over Philonecron and his shadow army. However, despite their world-saving heroics, not all is well. As a result of abruptly leaving during the middle of the night, Charlotte has been grounded by her parents since her return from the Underworld, and Zee is still traumatised by being under the control of Philonecron. The book opens with Charlotte callin(...)


YEAR: 2007

COUNTRY: United States of America