Pattern Pattern Pattern

Showing 4 entries for year: 1971

Pattern Pattern Pattern

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

Labyrinth. The Deeds of Theseus [Лабиринт. Подвиги Тесея (Labirint. Podvigi Teseia)]

Young Theseus finds his father’s sword and sandals and sets off for Athens. At the parting with Theseus, the Centaur Chiron advises him to use his strength only for good and promises a life full of great deeds. On the way to Athens, Theseus fights the Crommyonian Sow and Procrustes. Having met his father, Theseus decides to free the country from the Minotaur and travels to Crete with the other Athenians sent as tribute. He promises his father that he will put up white sails as a sign (...)


YEAR: 1971

COUNTRY: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Aleksei Simukov, Aleksandra Snezhko-Blotskaia

The Argonauts [Аргонавты (Argonavty)]

Two Greek boys playing on the seashore notice a wrecked ship and an old man sitting nearby. The man, Jason, tells them the story of the ship (“Argo”) and recalls some of his friends the Argonauts (Theseus, the Dioscuri, the Boreads, Orpheus, and Heracles). He tells how the ship was built and how they journeyed to Colchis in order to find the golden fleece. Among the adventures Jason recalls moving rocks of Symplegades, Stymphalian birds, and sirens.In Colchis in order to win the gold(...)


YEAR: 1971

René Goscinny , Albert Uderzo

The Mansions of the Gods [Astérix: Le Domaine des Dieux] (Astérix, 17)

The Mansions of the Gods is the 17th volume of the Astérix comic series. The main characters of this series are the clever and brave Gaul called Astérix and his strong sidekick, Obélix. In their adventures, which follow a similar character arc and plotline, they fight the invaders of the Gaul territory, the Romans. Together, Astérix and Obélix are helped by Panoramix (Getafix in English), who prepares a magical potion that gives them great strength and power.&n(...)


YEAR: 1971


Henryk Jerzy Chmielewski

Tytus, Romek and A’Tomek. Book 6: Tytus Becomes an Olympic Athlete [Tytus, Romek i A’Tomek. Księga VI: Tytus olimpijczykiem]

Based on: Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Joanna Kłos, Michał Kucharski (eds.), Polish Literature for Children & Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity: A Catalogue, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, 2013, 444 pp.Romek and A’Tomek prepare their friend Tytus, an anthropomorphic chimpanzee, for the Olympic Games in Kogutkowo Górne [Upper Cockerel Town]. Besides feedinghim a special diet, they use an extraordinary, multi-discipl(...)


YEAR: 1971