Showing 17 entries for tag: Danae
Sònia González, Jaime Moreno Delgado
100 Myths. Gods, Heroes and Legendary Creatures [100 Mitos. Dioses, Héroes y Criaturas Legendarias]
Irena Parandowska, Józef Wilkoń
From the World of Myths [Ze świata mitów]
Mirosław Rutkowski
Greek Myths for Children. Heroes [Mity greckie dla dzieci. Herosi]
Elżbieta Lubomirska, Elżbieta Olczak
Greek Myths for Fun [Mity greckie na wesoło]
Blue , Overly Sarcastic Productions , Red
Miscellaneous Myths (Series): Perseus
Mirosław Rutkowski
Percival Richard Cole
Myths and Legends of Many Lands
William Adams
Myths of Old Greece in Story and Song
Marcia Dorothy Williams
Pandora’s Box and Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head
Russ Daff
Perseus and Andromeda (Mini Myth, 2)
Russ Daff
Perseus and Medusa (Mini Myth, 1)
Jeanne Bloch
Perseus, the Slayer of the Gorgon [Persée, le vainqueur de la Gorgone]
Kate McMullan , Denis Zilber
Say Cheese, Medusa! (Myth-O-Mania, 3)
Alan Gibbons
Shadow of the Minotaur (The Legendeer Trilogy, 1)
Aniela Orzechowska
Stories about Greek Demi-gods and Heroes [Opowiadania o półbogach i bohaterach greckich]
Mark Bergin, Peter Hepplewhite, David Salariya
John Dougherty , Georgien Overwater