The project regards the reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ culture... More information

Our Mythical Childhood Survey – Aimee Hinds, “Entry on: Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice) by Arcade Fire”

Here we present alternately our team members, colleagues, and collaborators.
A Mythical Scholar of the Month ;-)
Susan Deacy is Professor of Classics at the University of Roehampton. She develops a ground-breaking programme for autistic children via the figure of Hercules...
More informationCOMPONENTS
Our Mythical Survey

An electronic tool for presenting and preserving the results of our international quest after the references to Classical Antiquity.
Animating the Ancient World

Owing to Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons’ expertise and magic, the ancient gods, heroes, and creatures return back to life...
An Alphabetical Odyssey

Every hero needs a guide. Elizabeth Hale will pilot you through the labyrinth of youth literature inspired by Classical Antiquity.
Autism and Mythology

The myths have been shaping our world for millennia. Today they also offer a unique way for inclusive education. Follow Susan Deacy on this Herculean path!
Our Mythical Education

An analysis of the employment and functions of ancient myths in school curricula across the continents in a volume being edited by Lisa Maurice and the database Our Mythical Education.
Myths from Cameroon

Prof. Daniel A. Nkemleke is opening to the world the heritage of African myths and the storytelling. In preparation also a volume illustrated by the young artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Sappho's Poem 44

Sing with Sappho!
What Would Hercules Do?

Classical Mythology and Children's Literature
Chasing Mythical Beasts

Meet the mythical monsters!
Our Mythical Hope

May 17–21, 2017 The first of our ERC conferences. Focused on the reception of the ancient myths in the hardships of life as presented in youth culture. Behold Hope all ye who enter here...
Our Mythical History

May 22–26, 2019 The conference on the reception of the ancient history in youth culture.
Our Mythical Nature

September 29–30, 2021 The conference on the permeation of environmental themes and classical motifs in youth culture.
Our Mythical Hope

May 15–16, 2017 The workshop-part of the conference Our Mythical Hope.
The Present Meets the Past

May 14–20, 2018 The workshops on the methodological issues, in the European Year of Cultural Heritage
Antiquity Today

June 27, 2022 The International Students’ and PhD Students’ Conference

Books, papers, and articles arisen from the Our Mythical Chidhood project. All the texts are in Open Access. Nunc est legendum!
Lectures & Seminars

Lectures, speeches, popularization texts, and other dissemination activities within the Our Mythical Childhood project.
Our Mythical Community

Throughout the Project, our guiding principle is the idea of contributing to a new, holistic model for work in the Humanities on the frontiers of research, education, and culture...
Locus Ludi

Locus Ludi: The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity is a research project by Prof. Véronique Dasen, supported by an ERC Advanced Grant (2017–2022) and implemented at the Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. This interdisciplinary project will provide the first comprehensive study of ancient games that – though ususally perceived only as children’s pastime – in fact reflect the gendered, religious, economic, and political fabric of a society.

The Cluster The Past for the Present – International Research and Educational Programme has been established by the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà and Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica of the Università di Bologna, and Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften of the Universität München in May 2017. The Cluster aims at developing a pioneering approach to the reception of Classical Antiquity with a special focus on the contemporary culture

Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition (OBTA), created by Professor Jerzy Axer in 1991, is a permanent unit of the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW. In OBTA, we study Classical Antiquity as an important cultural experience – a mirror of transformations occurring in the world throughout centuries – also in our times.
Here you will find some basic links to the websites of our Universities and Faculties, research organizations, institutions, etc.
We wish to make use of our work also to share the results of our bibliographical query in the hope they can facilitate further research of other colleagues all over the globe. In this place we gather scholarly publications on the reception and children’s and young adults’ culture.
Finger on the Pulse
Here we gather the information on the current calls for papers, conferences, and other interesting events in Classical Reception Studies and in Youth Culture worldwide. If you wish to share an event with us, please send us the details per e-mail. Together we can build Our Mythical Community :-).
Fame ;-)
In this place we are pleased to archive the mentions on the OMC project.