Lectures & Seminars

2023.07.07 – Katarzyna Marciniak (Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw) held a keynote lecture “Eye to Eye with a Cyclops: The Homeric Myth in Children’s Literature”, opening the international workshop Greek and Roman Antiquity for Children and Young Adults, organized by Filippo Carlà-Uhink (Historisches Institut, Geschichte des Altertums, Universität Potsdam) at the Bildungsforum Potsdam.
23.04.2023 – Katarzyna Marciniak (Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw), Sonya Nevin (University of Cambridge / Panoply Vase Animation Project), and Susan Deacy (Bristol and Leicester University) participated in the Classical Association Conference, University of Cambridge. They had the honour and pleasure to present the OMC results at the panel organized by Fiona McHardy (University of Roehampton) and Effrosyni Kostara (Hellenic Open), “Emancipatory and Reflective Pedagogies in the Teaching of Classical Antiquity”.The panel included the following presentations:
- Evelien Bracke (Ghent University, online), Functional Multilingual Learning of Ancient Languages at Primary School: a Valuable Transformative Learning Tool,
- Susan Deacy (Bristol and Leicester University) ‘Opening up a world ...’: How and Why Classical Myth Resonates with Being Autistic,
- Marisa Fountopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) and Effrosyni Kostara (Hellenic Open University – Greek Institute of Educational Policy), Transforming Students’ Thinking Skills through the New Classics Curriculum in Greece,
- Andreas Gavrielatos (University of Reading), Using Progressive Feedback in Teaching Classics and Ancient History: A Case Atudy on Neronian Literature,
- Katarzyna Marciniak (University of Warsaw, online), and Sonya Nevin, (University of Cambridge), Our Mythical Childhood: New Resources On- and Offline for Outreach, Pedagogy and Engagement,
- Olakunbi Olasope (University of Ibadan, online), Teaching Cultural Heritage: Classics at Ibadan 1948–.

20.4.2023 – Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture on Mitologia grecka – zamierzchła przeszłość czy żywy element kultury? [Greek Mythology – A Petrified Past or a Living Element of our Culture?], at the Open University of the University of Warsaw.

14.2.2023 – Katarzyna Marciniak held a talk on The Future of Antiquity on the Example of the Our Mythical Childhood Programme at Dr Katerina Volioti’s seminar, University of Roehampton.

6.1.2023 – Katarzyna Marciniak and Sonya Nevin had the pleasure to present the Our Mythical Childhood Project and the OMC Survey database at the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The panel “Using Children’s and Young Adult Literature in Outreach and Teaching” was organized by Sheila Murnaghan (University of Pennsylvania) and included the following presentations:
- Katarzyna Marciniak (Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw), “Growing Up with the Classics: A Database of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture as Part of the Our Mythical Childhood Programme” (online),
- Sonya Nevin (Panoply Vase Animation Project / University of Cambridge), “Exploring the Our Mythical Childhood Survey: A Database of Classical Antiquity in Modern Young People’s Culture” (online),
- Krishni Schaefgen Burns (University of Illinois), “Introducing Calliope’s Library: Books for Young Readers: A Public-Facing Collection of Recommended Reading for Children of All Ages”,
- Rebecca Resinski (Hendrix College), “Integrating Children’s Literature into an Undergraduate Classics Curriculum” (online).

17.02.2022 – Katarzyna Marciniak on "Der Trojanische Käse in der Kinderkultur oder: Wie uns die antiken Mythen die Ökologie beibringen" at Institutskolloquium der Klassischen Philologie, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, organized by Prof. Ulrich Schmitzer.

9.12.2021 – Sonya Nevin presented (online) “Clothing and Ornament in the Panoply Vase Animations” at Fribourg University, Switzerland, contributing to the conference Clothes, Textiles, Fabrics, Hairstyles and Ornaments: Adornment and Textile Evidence in Diachrony.
Talk included details from OMC animations Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar and Sappho 44.

7.12.2021 – Sonya Nevin delivered an online presentation at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, organised by Dr Maria Cecília de Miranda N. Coelho. The paper “Animating Antiquity. Ancient Artefacts and the Panoply Vase Animation Project” outlined Our Mythical Childhood and gave details on Iris Rainbow Goddess and Sappho 44 – their creation and options for including them in educational practice.

23–24.10.2021 – Elżbieta Olechowska co-organised and Hanna Paulouskaya took part in an international conference A Proletarian Classics? The relationship between ancient Greek and Roman culture and world communism from 1917, University of St Andrews (virtually).
They held the following lectures:
Elżbieta Olechowska: Communism – No such Word in Polish. Classicists Facing a New Reality Under Soviet Domination: the First Post-War Years;
Hanna Paulouskaya: Mythical Heroes at Work, or Greek Myths in the Soviet Animations

22.10.2021 – Hanna Paulouskaya participated in the 8th international research and practical conference Current Problems of Liberal Education (Актуальные проблемы гуманитарного образования, Minsk, Belarusian State University (virtually). She had a presentation “Our Mythical Childhood. Ancient Mythology in Children’s Culture of Belarus and Beyond” (Нашае міфічнае дзяцінства. Антычная міфалогія ў дзіцячай культуры Беларусі і не толькі).

3.10.2021 – Elizabeth Hale, Karolina Kulpa, Angelina Gerus, Viktoryia Bartsevich, and Hanna Paulouskaya participated in the 9th International Congress of Belarusian Studies in Kaunas, Lithuania (virtually). They had a common panel: Classics of Antiquity in the Belarusian Version.
They held the following lectures:
Elizabeth Hale and Hanna Paulouskaya, Pleiades Seen from Up and Below,
Karolina Kulpa, “Toying Antiquity” – The Images of Female Characters from Antiquity in Audiovisual and Material Works in Children and Young Adult Culture: Some Methodological Issues From the Perspective of Classical Reception Studies,
Viktoryia Bartsevich, A Symbolic Road to Women's Liberation. Reception of Hades in the comic book “Wonder Woman, Vol. 2: Guts”,
Angelina Gerus, Classical Text in Paraphrastic Poetry of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th–17th Centuries,
Hanna Paulouskaya, Icarus Born in Belarus, or Belarusian Animations on Greek Myths

23–24.09.2021 – Katarzyna Marciniak took part in the Panel Lecture and Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges for the Next Generation of Researchers in Central and Eastern Europe at the Virtuelles Humboldt-Kolloquium Brücken bauen, Ideen bewegen: Die Rolle des Humboldt-Netzwerks bei der Stärkung der Forschungskooperation in Europa, University of Warsaw

20.07.2021 – Lisa Maurice delivered a lecture as part of a special series “Relations and Emotions” at Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Humanities: “Goats, Music Sexuality and Nature: The God Pan and Turbulent Emotions in Children’s Literature”

29.06.2021 – Hanna Paulouskaya gave a lecture Просто(й) миф: советские стратегии пересказа древнегреческих мифов для детей [Simply/Simple Myth: Soviet Strategies of Retelling Ancient Greek Myths for Children] at the round table conference “Рецепция античности, но не только. Круглый стол памяти Евгения Александровича Чиглинцева (1955–2021)” [Reception of Antiquity, But Not Only. Round table in memory of Evgenii Aleksandrovich Chiglintsev (1955–2021)], 29 June 2021 organized by the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

27.06.2021 – Sonya Nevin (University of Roehampton/Panoply Vase Animation Project) and Caroline Bristow (Cambridge School Classics Project), Susan Deacy (University of Roehampton) and Aimee Hinds (University of Roehampton) participated in the conference “Reception Studies: State of the Discipline and New Directions”, 24–28 June 2021, organized by Anastasia Bakogianni and hosted by the Massey University, New Zealand in collaboration with The Imagines Project. They held the following lectures:
- Sonya Nevin, Classical Reception Meets Pedagogy: The Creation and Uses of the Panoply Vase Animation Project's Our Mythical Childhood Animation,
- Caroline Bristow, Susan Deacy, and Aimee Hinds, Talking about Silence: How and Why to Teach Classical Rape Stories.

18.06.2021 – Karolina Anna Kulpa, Katarzyna Marciniak, and Elżbieta Olechowska presented the project Our Mythical Childhood to the participants in the course by Dr Zofia Kaczmarek at the Institute for European Culture of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

17–18.06.2021 – Susan Deacy, Lisa Maurice, Rachel Bryant Davies, and Owen Hodkinson took part in the Children’s History Society Biennale Conference “Children and Young People, Speaking up and Speaking out”, 16–19 June 2021, Manchester Metropolitan University. They held the following lectures:
Panel: Children with Special Needs: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Agency and Autonomy
- Susan Deacy and Lisa Maurice, Hercules and Classical Myths for Autistic Children, ACCLAIM Autism and Myth Network,
- Sonya Nevin, The Voice of the Young Brontës. Antiquity and Social Comment in the Brontë Juvenilia,
- Rachel Bryant Davies, ‘Classics [...] is not defunct yet’: Interacting with Greco-Roman Antiquity through Victorian Children’s Magazines,
- Owen Hodkinson, Constructing Dual-heritage Identity through Classical and African Myth: Helen Oyeyemi’s The Icarus Girl

16.06.2021 – Susan Deacy, Erika Ruminaite, and Adam Soyler gave a paper Preparing Historians at Work for Future Professions via Remote Placements between Roehampton, Warsaw and Bar-Ilan, at the Festival of Learning & Teaching 2021: Currivulum Design in a Time of Change, University of Roehampton, London. For more see here.

11.06.2021 – Katarzyna Marciniak, Elżbieta Olechowska, Marta Pszczolińska, Barbara Strycharczyk, and Anna Wojciechowska participated in methodological workshops for teachers of the Latin language and ancient culture De arte docendi II “Motywacja i indywidualizacja w nauczaniu języka łacińskiego i kultury antycznej” [Motivation and Individualization in Teaching Latin and Ancient Culture], organized by Janusz Ryba, Jagiellonian University, Kraków. They held a lecture on Nasze mityczne dziedzictwo w praktyce: od badań nad recepcją antyku do szkolnych projektów naukowych [Our Mythical Childhood in Practice: From Research on the Reception of Classical Antiquity to School Scholary Projects].

7.06.2021 – Sonya Nevin delivered workshop at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education on using the vase animations in teaching.

2–3.06.2021 – Sheila Murnaghan, Susan Deacy, Lisa Maurice, and Ayelet Peer took part in the 49th Conference of The Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, 2–3 June 2021, Tel Aviv University. They held the following lectures:
- Sheila Murnaghan, Return to Windy Troy: Site and Text in the Homeric Tradition,
- Susan Deacy, Hercules in the Autistic Classroom: A Case Study from the United Kingdom,
- Lisa Maurice, Mythology in the Israeli Autistic Classroom,
- Ayelet Peer and Shachar Bar Yehuda, Myth and Autism – the Power of Emotions.

24.05.2021 – Susan Deacy and Erika Ruminaite (OMC Trainee, University of Roehampton), organized the first ACCLAIM Network online event to discuss autism and mythology in children’s education. For more see here.

07.05.2021 – Katarzyna Marciniak gave a lecture on VENI VIDI MOVI(ES): The Reception of Julius Caesar in the Audiovisual Productions for Children and Young Adults at the international conference "Audio/visual Caesar: Modernizing the Roman Dictator", 5–7 May 2021 organized by Prof. Monika Woźniak from the Sapienza Università di Roma in collaboration with the Università Roma Tre, University College London, and Istituto Polacco di Roma.

28.04.2021 – Lisa Maurcie delivered a lecture “A Very British Roman Outlook: Plebs (2013–2019)” at Bar-Ilan University Faculty of the Humanities conference

27.04.2021 – Lisa Maurice delivered a keynote lecture, “Better the Devil You Know? God, Lucifer and the Olympians in Lucifer (2016–2021)” at an international virtual conference, Reception of the Fantastic in Modern and Contemporary Visual Art, organised by University of Haifa and Bar-Ilan University

24.04.2021 – Animating the Ancient World – launch event of the vase animations created within the Our Mythical Childhood Project by Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons (Panoply Vase Animation Project)at the University of Cambridge. With welcome and introductory remarks by Sonya Nevin, Caroline Bristow, and Katarzyna Marciniak

26.03.2021 – The members of the Our Mythical Childhood Community: Owen Hodkinson, Anna Mik, Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, Katarzyna Marciniak, and Karoline Thaidigsmann participated in the 15th InternationalChild and the Book Conference “Transformation and Continuity: Political and Cultural Change in Children’s Literature from the Past Century to the Present Day”, 24–26 March 2021, co-organized by Farriba Schulz (Freie Universität Berlin, Petra Anders (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), hosted by the Freie Universität Berlin. They held the following lectures:
- Anna Mik, Frankestein’s Child vs. the Society – Intricacies of Marcin Szczygielski’s: "Leo and the Red Machine",
- Katarzyna Marciniak, “Everything Changes, Nothing Perishes”: The Polish Lives of the Boy (and the Girl) with Wings in the 20th and 21st Centuries,
- Owen Hodkinson, Transformations of and through Icarus in British Children’s Literature, C20–21,
- Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, Divided Berlin and Divided Germany in Children’s Literature. Narrating Movements from the East to the West (and back!),
- Karoline Thaidigsmann, “Ruling the Symbols”. Socialism in Jacek Dukaj’s Crossover Novel "The Crow" and Polish Cultural Identity after 1989.

19.03.2021 – Katarzyna Marciniak had a presentation on the Our Mythical Childhood Project within the event Wsparcie kariery naukowej w Horyzoncie Europa [Supporting Research Career in Horizon Europe], online, National Contact Point

17.03.2021 – Sonya Nevin (Panoply Vase Animation Project) gave a presentation on Beauty and Heroism in Panoply’s Our Mythical Childhood Animations in the cycle of seminars Heroic Beauty: Beautiful Heroism, organized by Prof. Amy Smith, University of Reading.

19.02.2021 – Katarzyna Marciniak had a presentation on Praktyczne aspekty przygotowania wniosku i realizacji grantu ERC [The Practical Aspects of Preparation of an Application and of the Grant’s Implementation] within the workshops Granty Europejskiej Rady ds. Badań Naukowych w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych [ERC Grants in Social Sciences and in the Humanities], online, National Contact Point, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

30.01.2021 – Katarzyna Marciniak had a presentation on her research incl. the ERC Grant during the event Top Minds by the Polish-U.S. Fulbrigth Commission, online, Warsaw

28.11.2020 – Hanna Paulouskaya gave a paper Жизнь замечательных древних. Античные выпуски ЖЗЛ [Lives of Wonderful Ancients. Ancient Issues of ZhZL] during the conference Советская древность – VI. Древняя история в XX – XXI вв. [Soviet Antiquity VI. Ancient History in the 20th and 21st Centuries] organized online by the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

16.11.2020 – The Our Mythical Childhood Team took part in the presentation Our Mythical International Childhood, organized by Susan Deacy in the International Week at the University of Roehampton.

13.11.2020 – Angelina Gerus, Karolina Anna Kulpa, Katarzyna Marciniak, Anna Mik, and Marta Pszczolińska participated in the conference Child-friendly “Explorations of the Myth”. Modern Reception Strategies from Adaptation to Transformation at the University of Vienna, organized online by Sonja Schreiner, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna. The young faculty members of the OMC project held the following presentations:
- Angelina Gerus, Paideia of Diogenes – Live Like a Dog to Become a Human
- Karolina Anna Kulpa, Playing with Cleopatra: About the Image of Egyptian Queen in the Products for Children and Young Adults,
- Anna Mik, Classical Mythology in a Polish Bestiary: The Example of Michał Rusinek’s “The Book of Monsters”,
- Marta Pszczolińska, Learning through Fun – Classical Antiquity in the “Tytus, Romek i A'Tomek” Comic Book Series.
The presentation referred i.a. to the following entries from Our Mythical Childhood Survey database: Tytus olimpijczykiem [Tytus Becomes an Olympic Athlete] , Tytus aktorem [Tytus Becomes an Actor].

04.11.2020 – Elizabeth Hale gave a presentation on Sharing the Dream… Chasing Mythical Childhoods: A Global Odyssey at the Research Summit at the Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education, University of New England, Armidale NSW.

01.11.2020 – Elizabeth Hale and Anna Mik took part in the podcast Ink & Paint: A Journey Through the Disney Animated Classics by Daniel Lammin on Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. Available online. See also here.

05.08.2020 – Sonya Nevin (Panoply Vase Animation Project) gave an online lecture Ancient Warfare and Modern Education for the Wolfson Warfare Wednesday series, organised by Wolfson College, University of Cambridge. Available online.

17.06.2020 – Karolina Anna Kulpa gave an online presentation on the OMC Project at a seminar in the Institute of European Culture, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

31.03.2020 – Susan Deacy gave an online lecture on autism and myth for Special and Inclusive Education students at University of Roehampton. See also here.

08.03.2020 – Lisa Maurice gave an open lecture to students on Disney’s Hercules in Context: Mouse-Morality for Mini-Heros on Hercules Day at Bar-Ilan University, to celebrate the Purim Holiday.

18.02.2020 – Susan Deacy, Frances Foster, and Sonya Nevin, with the input from a number of project colleagues including Our Mythical Childhood Survey authors, organized the international conference Mythology and Education: History and Practice at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. Our teachers-collaborators: Barbara Strycharczyk and Hazel Pearson gave a presentation on Mythology as a Source of Creative Inspiration and an Element of Interdisciplinarity. See also here.

01.02.2020 – Dorota Rejter gave a speech Wizeurnek Artemidy (Diany) jako bogini łowiectwa we współczesnej literaturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej inspirowanej antykiem [Image of the Goddess of Hunting – Artemis (Diana) in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature Inspired by Antiquity] during the conference Cynegetica Over the Centuries organized by Polish Philological Association and Castle Museum in Pszczyna, in Hunting Palace in Promnice (Poland).

12.12.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak gave a lecture on Cicero for children and the OMC Project, “The Past for the Present, or What Does Cicero Have to Say to Children?”, at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw within the cycle “German-Polish Scientific Meetings” organized in cooperation with DAAD, German Embassy, and Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, during the Second Ciceronian Congress in Warsaw
On the event see the DAAD Website.
The Ciceronian Congress Website

28.11.2019 – Hanna Paulouskaya participated in the 9th Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World “Authority and Legitimacy” organized by Institute for Culture & History, Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands with a presentation Our Soviet Ancients. Appropriation of Antiquity for Children’s and Youth Culture of the USSR.

17.11.2019 - Divine Che Neba presented Our Mythical Childhood Project and Our Mythical Childhood Survey to students of the course on African oral literature at English Department at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Yaoundé. The discussion of the project received positive feedback from students, some of whom have written entries for the project.

8.11.2019 - Anna Mik participated in the discussion panel of the Children and Youth Literature Research Laboratory of the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw: Original Versus Adaptation? Children and Youth Literature on Big and Small Screen.

27.10.2019 – Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture Verba volant… in die Popularkultur. Die Rezeption der antiken aurea dicta in Werken für Jugendliche at the international conference HistorMythos, organized online by Markus Janka at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, within the activities of the Cluster: The Past for the Present.

17.10.2019 – Sonya Nevin presented Our Mythical Childhood animations and discussed the Our Mytnical Childhood Survey database at the Linked Islands workshop, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge.

11.10.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture “Es gibt mehr als eine Geschichte: Verjüngung der Antike in der Fernsehserie The Storyteller: Griechische Sagen von Jim Henson Company” at the international conference Mutatas dicere formas: Verjüngung der Antike durch Übersetzungen und Adaptionen im Kontakt der Kulturen.

10.10.2019 – Elżbieta Olechowska talked about Our Mythical Childhood... – Interdomain and Interdisciplinary Research during a workshop Innovative University and Leadership – Interdisciplinary and Interdomain Activities and Development Strategies organised by the Ukrainian Association of University Principals, International Foundation for Research on Educational Policy, the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” at the University of Warsaw, and the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University under the Honorary Patronage of the Foundation of Polish Rectors.

07.10.2019 – Sonya Nevin (Panoply Vase Animation Project) presented the Our Mythical Childhood and Locus Ludi animations at the University of Exeter, during the Technological Animation in Classical Antiquity international conference.

19-20.9.2019 – A part of the OMC team from the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW took part in the CENTRAL Workshop at Humboldt University Berlin: Communication with the Underworld: From Ancient Literature to Modern Children’s and Young Adult Literature / Kommunikation mit dem Jenseits: Von der antiken Literatur bis zur modernen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, organized by PD Dr. Darja Šterbenc Erker (HU). The OMC group prepared a panel There and Back Again: The Underworld in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture Inspired by Classical Antiquity with the following lectures:
- Katarzyna Marciniak, “Unterwelt oder Untergrund: Vom Hades zum Goblin-König in Jim Hensons fantastischem Universum”,
- Karolina Anna Kulpa (video presentation), “Have Fun with the Ancient Underworld! Some Examples of the Reception of Classical Antiquity on the Basis of the Products for Children and Young Adults”,
- Agnieszka Monika Maciejewska, “Cleopatra Reactivated! The Classic Image of Cleopatra VII Transformed in Animations”,
- Viktoryia Bartsevich, a PhD student attending the Grant Seminar, “True Love? Hades and Persephone in Comic Books”.

26.8.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture “O potrzebie interdyscyplinarności w edukacji XXI wieku” [On the Need for Interdisciplinarity in Education in the 21st Century], at the seminar Interdyscyplinarność w nauczaniu [Interdisciplinarity in Teaching], Strumienie High School in Józefów, Educare: Instytut Edukacji Spersonalizowanej.

14-18.8.2019 – Anna Mik took a part in the IRSCL Congress Silence and Silencing in Children’s Literature in Stockholm. She has presented the paper: “Silenced Beasts: Study of the Voiceless Monster in Marcin Szczygielski’s The Heart of Nemphthys and Other Works for Children and Young Adults”.
Abstract: The term „monstrum” is a sign of exclusion. Being excluded might be a consequence of the decision made by monsters to keep away from humans…
Anna’s blog post on the event

31.7.2019 – Susan Deacy participated in A Show and Tell event concerning Classics and children’s literature. The meeting was organised by Karen Piece at the Arts and Social Studies Library, Cardiff University.

11.7.2019 – Susan Deacy presented her research on Autism and Mythology at Engagement for All in the History Classroom: Schools and Universities, at Liverpool John Moores University. She talked on the Case Study 1: “Autism: Some Strategies for Teaching and Learning”.

07.7.2019 – Four team members of the Our Mythical Childhood project held a panel “Gendering Classical Mythology in the Twenty-First Century (Gendering Classical Mythology for Children)” chaired by Deborah H. Roberts (Haverford College, USA) at the joint Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019:
- Sonya Nevin presented the paper “Ariadne and the Minotaur: Exploring Classical Mythology with Preschool Children”,
- Lisa Maurice presented the paper “Tempting Treasures and Seductive Snakes: Presenting Eve and Pandora for the Youngest Readers”,
- Robin Diver, our colleague and collaborator in the Our Mythical Childhood Survey, presented the paper ”Rape, Sisterhood, and Deadly Love: Attempting to Centre the Female Experience in Young Adult Novels about the Trojan War”,
- Susan Deacy presented the paper ”Autism, Girls, and Hercules: A Case Study”.

05.7.2019 – Sonya Nevin presented Panoply and Our Mythical Childhood via a stall at the Public Classics session at the joint Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019, London, UK.

05.7.2019 – Susan Deacy presented Autism and Classical Myth via table at Public Classics session at the joint Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019, London, UK.

05.7.2019 – Elżbieta Olechowska participated in a round table Teaching the Undergraduates of 2019: A Global Perspective at the joint Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019, presenting cooperation with schools organised by Our Mythical Childhood project in Poland.

25.6.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak presented the OMC Project in her festive lecture “The Invention of Community: The Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship” at the Humboldt Anniversary Alumni Conference Humboldt heute. Netzwerk fördern. Zukunft gestalten, in the 250th Birthday of Alexander von Humboldt, Berlin.
For more see: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/news/179

11.6.2019 – Anna Mik took part in the conference: “Młody dorosły w bibliotece – wyzwania, szanse, inspiracje” [Young Adult in the Library: Challenges, Chances, Inspirations] organized by the Association of Polish Librarians in Warsaw. She presented the paper “Nowe szaty Antyku” [Antiquity’s New Groove].
Abstract: In my presentation, I will attempt to summarize the discussion around the reception studies in works for children and young adults...

4.6.2019 Katarzyna Marciniak and Justyna Olko took part in the Networking Meeting with the UW PhD-Students Council.

01.6.2019 – Anna Mik took part in the international conference (via video): Heroes of Children’s Imagination. Theory and Practice of Reception (University of Wrocław). In the presentation “Heroine Against All Odds: The Case of Hermione Granger ” she discussed the heroic creation of Hermione Granger and her potential influence on young readers.
Abstract (in English and Polish): Hermione Granger, one of the main characters of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, can be perceived as a person with exceptional determination and particular courage...

18.5.2019 – Anna Mik took part in the conference Monstrous Imaginarium. Monstrous Narrations in Children’s, Young Adult and Fantasy Literature organized by “Koło Baśni” (University of Warsaw) and Children’s Book Museum. In her presentation “Ancient Queer and Children’s Literature. Mermen Characters in the Light of Gender Studies” she discussed the phenomenon of queerness in books for children inspired by Classical Mythology.
Abstract (in Polish): Można by zaryzykować stwierdzenie, że mitologiczne monstra, a w szczególności te odgrywające role antagonistów, bardzo często nie mają określonej płci...

11.5.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak gave a short communicate on the OMC Project (via Skype) at the Round Table “Children’s Literature Scholarship in Europe”, a post-conference event organized by Prof. Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer within the 14th International Child and the Book Conference Beyond the Canon (of Children’s Literature), Croatian Association of Researchers in Children’s Literature and the University of Zadar.

06.4.2019 – Susan Deacy gave a paper ‘What Would Hercules Do? Turning Classical Myth into a Learning Opportunity for Autistic Children’ for the panel Learning Disabilities in the Classics Classroom at the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) 2019, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Program: PDF file
Lecture: PDF file
21.3.2019 Katarzyna Marciniak had a presentation of the OMC Project and participated in the event Lettura pubblica di Iliade, within the Festival Européen Latin Grec de Lyon, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility, University of Bologna, Liceo Galvani, Liceo Minghetti, Comune di Bologna.
Information on the event.20.3.2019 Katarzyna Marciniak and a presentation on the OMC Project at the Greek course by Prof. Valentina Garulli, within the Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility, at the Department of Classical and Italian Studies, University of Bologna.
18.3.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak had a lecture Das Programm „Our Mythical Childhood“ – Idee, Methoden, Etappe und die ersten Ergebnisse, within the Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility, at the Department of Classical and Italian Studies, University of Bologna.

16.3.2019 – Agnieszka Maciejewska and Anna Mik took a part at the conference Varium et Mutabile Semper Femina. Niestała i zmienna zawsze kobieta jest [Inconstant and Changeable Woman Always Is] organized by the foundation ‘good morning! the collective of culture’ at the University of Warsaw. Agnieszka hold a presentation Kleopatra niejedną ma twarz – recepcja postaci egipskiej władczyni w kulturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej [Many Faces of Cleopatra – Reception of Egyptian Queen in the Children and Youth Culture], and Anna: Potworne i zwierzęce: mitologiczne postaci kobiece we współczesnej kulturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej [Monstrous and Animalistic: Mythological Female Characters in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Culture].
Programme: PDF file
Abstract of Agnieszka Maciejewska: Kleopatra jest jedną z najsłynniejszych postaci historycznych. Najczęściej opisywana jest ona jako piękna, inteligentna i pewna siebie władczyni…

06.3.2019 – Elizabeth Hale gave a talk ‘Playing with the Past’ during the Classical Studies Symposium at the University of Otago (NZ).
Poster: How seriously should we take the classical past? What role does humour play…

21.2.2019 – Susan Deacy gave a public lecture of the Lampeter and West Wales Branch of the Classical Association ‘What would Hercules do? Turning classical myth into a learning opportunity for autistic children’.

06.2.2019 – Elizabeth Hale gave a paper ‘Our Mythical Childhood… Classical Reception in Global Children’s Culture’ during the Australian Society for Classical Studies 40th Annual Conference [link], at the University of New England, Armidale.
Booklet: PDF file

04.2.2019 – Elizabeth Hale gave a paper ‘Greece, Rome, Japan: Findings from the Our Mythical Childhood Project’ at the Asian Studies Symposium hold at the Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education of the University of New England
Program: PDF file

11.1.2019 - Katarzyna Marciniak led workshops organized by the Regional Contact Point Łódź for the candidates for the ERC Grants, Warsaw.

06.12.2018 – Susan Deacy delivered a paper ‘Classical Myth as a Learning Opportunity for Autistic Children’ at CIRSIE: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Special and Inclusive Education, University of Roehampton.
More on this: https://tlarblog.wordpress.com/2018/11/29/215/

30.11.2018 – Daniel Nkemleke and Divine Che Neba presented Our Mythical Childhood Project and Our Mythical Childhood Survey to students of the English Department at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Yaoundé during a class on Research Methodology. The presentation included discussion on myth as a narration, problem of preservation of myths in cities, and differences between folktales and myths.

23.11.2018 – The Flute Theatre held a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream for autistic children, followed by Inclusive Shakespeare Workshop led by director Kelly Hunter, Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, London. The workshop was organised as a part of Being Human Festival 2018 by Helen Slaney and Susan Deacy.

21.11.2018 – as a part of Being Human Festival of the Humanities a Q&A session Shaping Fables with Marcia Williams was organised at the University of Roehampton (London, UK). Marcia Williams is an author and illustrator, famous for such books as Tales From Shakespeare, The Iliad and the Odyssey. Participants including: Helen Slaney, Susan Deacy, and Sara Venkatesu.

17-18.11.2018 – Agnieszka Maciejewska and Viktoryia Bartsevich, PhD students of the Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, participated in the conference ,,My się śmierci nie boimy – zmiany w postrzeganiu śmierci na przestrzeni dziejów” [We are not Afraid of Death – The Transformations of the Concept of Death across the Ages] organized by the Amor Fati scientific journal and the foundation “good morning! the collective of culture” in Katowice, Poland. Agnieszka gave a paper “Na Ozyrysa, pokażę Wam, jak umiera królowa…” Recepcja mitu śmierci Kleopatry VII w filmach z XX i XXI wieku, and Viktoryja – Mitologiczne zaświaty w XXI wieku. Katabaza w powieści Ricka Riordana „Percy Jackson i Bogowie Olimpijscy”.
Abstract of Agnieszka Maciejewska
Abstract of Viktoryia Bartsevich

06.12.2018 – Elizabeth Hale gave a lecture ‘Our Digital Childhood… Tracking Mythical Influences in Children’s Culture around the World,’ as part of the University of New England Digital Humanities Seminar Series, at the University of New England, Armidale Australia.
Poster: PDF file

05.11.2018 – Sonya Nevin and Steve Simons spoke about their work in a presentation ‘Animating Antiquity’ during a conference Bons ou mauvais jeux? Good or Bad Games? organized by our colleague Prof. Véronique Dasen (ERC Advanced Grant "Locus Ludi"), Université de Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland)
Programme: PDF file
Abstract: This presentation will introduce the Panoply Vase Animation Project...

02-03.11.2018 – Hanna Paulouskaya participated in an international conference Soviet Antiquity - 4. World History in the System of Soviet Science, Culture and Education organized by prof. Sergei Karpyuk (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Oleg Malyugin (Department of History, Belarusian State University) in Minsk, Belarus. The conference was the fourth of the Soviet Antiquity (Советская Древность) conferences cycle aimed on research of ancient history studies in the USSR. Hanna gave a paper ‘Learning Myths in the Soviet School: From Nikolsky to Korovkin’ comparing textbooks on ancient history published in the USSR for secondary schools.
Programme: PDF File

26.10.2018 – Susan Deacy has prepared a workshop for University of Roehampton students on autism and classical myth resources Autism and Classical Mythology.

18-20.10.2018 – Hanna Paulouskaya participated in an international symposium The Ancient Heritage in the Subsequent Epochs: Reception or Transformation (Kazan, Russia) organized by Kazan Federal University and the Humboldt University of Berlin. Hanna gave a paper ‘Mythical cartoons or Presence of the Classical Antiquity in Soviet Animation for Children’.
More about the conference [in Russian]: https://kpfu.ru/imoiv/struktura/otdeleniya/vysshaya-shkola-istoricheskih-nauk-i-vsemirnogo/v-institute-mezhdunarodnyh-otnoshenij-kfu-343575.html
Programme: PDF File

18.10.2018 – Elizabeth Hale hold a plenary talk ‘Our Mythical Childhoods – an International Project’ to the Australian Classical Languages Teachers Association Conference Disco et Doceo: Classical Wisdom K-12 and Beyond at Harbourview Hotel, Sydney Australia
Program: PDF file

10.10.2018 - Katarzyna Marciniak gave a presentation of the Project and an evening lecture on “Der Stier, der überlebte, oder die rettende Magie der Antike für Kinder und Erachsene” at the international conference Digitale Bildung – zwischen Hype und Hybris, University of Munich.

06.10.2018 – Susan Deacy gave a keynote paper ‘Turning Classical Myth into a Learning Opportunity for Autistic Children’ at a conference Ancient World and Modern Societies: How Classics Help Reshape Our World, University of Reading (Reading, Berkshire, England)
More on this: http://myth-autism.blogspot.com/2018/10/how-classics-might-reshape-autistic.html

02.10.2018 – Susan Deacy has prepared a workshop for autism specialists on autism and classical myth resources Choice of Hercules activities created by Susan Deacy / Guide to the resources by Effrosyni Kostara. The workshop was held in the Adam Room at the University of Roehampton and it gathered a group of experts on autism, including Rita Jordan and Nicola Grove.
More on this: http://myth-autism.blogspot.com/2018/10/how-classics-might-reshape-autistic.html

17.9.2018 – Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture “Du Rubicon à la chambre d’enfants, ou à la réception de l’expression Alea iacta est dans la culture des jeunes” at the international conference “Play and Games in Antiquity. Definition–Transmission–Reception” organized in the Musée Suisse du Jeu in la Tour-de-Peilz by Prof. Véronique Dasen and her team within the project “Locus Ludi” (ERC Advanced Grant). See also: the News.
Programme: PDF file

10.9.2018 – Sonya Nevin had a poster presentation ‘Marathon’ and on the September 11, 2018 a presentation of the Our Mythical Childhood project during a Drawing on the Past. The Pre-Modern World in Comics, at Senate House, University of London (London, UK)
Programme: PDF file

12-14.7.2018 – Elizabeth Hale, Miriam Riverlea, and Babette Puetz took part in the biannual conference of the Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research (ACLAR) at the Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), and held a panel: Classical Reception in Children’s Literature.
The papers presented:
- Miriam Riverlea: A Classroom on Mount Olympus: School Stories and Classical Mythology
- Babette Puetz: Classical Reception in Zeustian Logic
- Elizabeth Hale: Our Mythical Childhood: Classics and Children’s Literature from around the World
Program: PDF file
More on this: https://antipodeanodyssey.wordpress.com/2018/08/03/our-mythical-week-in-wellington

26.6.2018 – Hanna Paulouskaya had a presentation ‘Comrade Prometheus or Place of Antiquity in Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary Soviet Children and Youth Culture’ at the Ninth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine Memories and Legacies of Revolutions: Continuity and Disruption, 19th-21st Centuries (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine)
Program: PDF file

23.6.2018 – Elizabeth Hale, Sonya Nevin, Anna Mik, and Hanna Paulouskaya held a common panel ‘Moving Myths: Classical Mythology in Animation for Young Audiences’ (the chair was Elizabeth Hale) during an international conference Children and Youth on the Move organised by the Children’s History Society on June 21–23, 2018, at the University of Greenwich, London, UK
The papers presented:
- Elizabeth Hale: Myth and Movement in Australian animation for young viewers: The Deep. Abstract
- Anna Mik: They Liked the Way She Moved: The case study of King Neptune (1932) by Walt Disney Productions. Abstract
- Sonya Nevin: Myth and Movement: The Panoply Vase Animation Project. Abstract
- Hanna Paulouskaya: Moving to Soviet-hood with Help of Classical Myths. Abstract
Programme: PDF file
More here: https://antipodeanodyssey.wordpress.com/2018/07/08/myths-on-the-move-our-mythical-animation/

19.6.2018 – Susan Deacy organized a meeting Classical Reception and Children’s Culture: A Show and Tell, at the Foyle Archive Reading Room, University of Roehampton Library, gathering OMC Survey authors, as well as Elizabeth Hale, Anna Mik and Helen Slaney.
Poster: PDF file

15.6.2018 - Katarzyna Marciniak and Sonya Nevin gave presentations (“Our Mythical Childhood, The Past for the Present: International Research and Educational Programme” and “Animating the Ancient World”) at the conference The Risk of Freedom. Liberal Arts at the Autonomous University. Polish Context. American Context, Faculty of “Artes Liberales” UW.
For more see: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/news/48

07.6.2018 – Lisa Maurice had a presentation at the Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies Conference 2018 hold in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel). The title of Lisa’s paper was ‘The House of Atreus in the 20th and 21st Centuries’.
Programme: PDF file

06.6.2018 – Sonya Nevin presented the Our Mythical Childhood Survey to the trainee classics teachers at the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge

04.6.2018 – Katerina Volioti gave a paper 'Teaching Ancient Culture to Young Children' at the University of Roehampton Early Childhood Research Centre seminar (Grove House, University of Roehampton, London, UK)
More on this: https://ourmythicalchildhoodblog.wordpress.com/2018/06/22/teaching-ancient-culture-to-young-children/

4–7.6.2018 - Katarzyna Marciniak presented some aspects of the OMC Project (incl. Sonya Nevin and Steve Simon’s Sappho Animation) at the meeting of the Cluster “The Past for the Present” and within the international conference Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità, Unviersity of Bologna.

28.5.2018 – Daniel Nkemleke held a round-table discussion on Our Mythical Childhood Project at the Benson Idahosa University, Benin City Nigeria, with about 15 young lecturers from universities across Nigeria and Tanzania. They were all committed to contribute entries on myths from various parts of Nigeria and Tanzania. An ethical guideline for writing entries was shared with the team.

04.5.2018 – Anna Mik participated to a conference Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in Antiquity organized by the “Synoikismos” inter-university Seminar at the University of Louvain (Louvain, Belgium). Anna hold a presentation ‘Mythical Sanctuaries of the Wizarding World: The Ancient Classical Concepts of “Animal Protection” in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Universe’

07.4.2018 – Sonya Nevin made a workshop ‘Vase Animation in Outreach: A Practitioner Workshop for School Teachers and Academics’ during UK Classical Association Annual Conference held at the University of Leicester.
Programme: PDF file

22.3.2018 – Susan Deacy participated at the Institute of Classical Studies Public Engagement Workshop, Senate House, University of London
More on this: https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events/special-events/public-engagement-workshop

08.2.2018 – Sonya Nevin made a presentation ‘Moral Tales of Marathon’ at the Institute of Classical Studies.
More on this: https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events/event/15219

05.2.2018 – Hanna Paulouskaya made a presentation of the project during a seminarium of Dr Yulia Ivanova at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow

21.1.2018 – Dorota Bazylczyk and Anna Mik had a presentation ‘Monstrous Women in the Globalized World: Images of Selected Female Characters from Classical Mythology in the Contemporary Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture’ at the international conference Topographien der Globalisierung / Topographies of Globalization (Humboldt-Kolleg supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at the Institute of German Studies, University of Warsaw
Poster: PDF file

20.1.2018 - Katarzyna Marciniak a lecture on “Das Erbe der Antike und die Kinderkultur im Zeitalter der Globalisierung” at the international conference Topographien der Globalisierung / Topographies of Globalization (Humboldt-Kolleg supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at the Institute of German Studies, University of Warsaw.

16.12.2017 – Daniel Nkemleke gave a lecture about the Our Mythical Childhood project for the English Department in the University of Maroua at the invitation of Dr Camilla Arundie Tabe to a mixed class of Masters I and II students, including undergraduate Level I to III students of the department.
More on this: http://www.omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/Cameroon-December-16-2017

14.12.2017 – Katerina Volioti made a presentation ‘The Visual Language of (Hesiod’s) Creation in Children’s Books’ for the Myth Reading Group at the University of Essex
More on this: https://essexmyth.wordpress.com/2017/12/10/the-visual-language-of-hesiods-creation-in-childrens-books/

13.12.2017 – Susan Deacy made a presentation on autism and classical myth project for University of Roehampton Department of Humanities research away day.

10.12.2017 – Anna Mik gave a paper Od Persefony do Herkulesa. Motywy antyczne w animacjach wytwórni Walta Disneya [From Persephone to Hercules. Motifs from Antiquity in the Walt Disney Animations] on the conference Wszechświat Disneya [Disney’s Universes] held in Cracow at the Pedagogical University.
Program: PDF file
29.11.2017 – Daniel Nkemleke gave an inaugural lecture of the Departmental Lecture Series ‘The Linguistic-Literature-Culture Nexus: The Example of Our Mythical Childhood …Project’ at the University of Yaounde’ 1, Cameroon
More on this: http://www.omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/Cameroon-November-29-2017
24.11.2017 – Elizabeth Hale and Lynnette Lounsbury gave a paper, ‘Just Add Water: Myth, Meaning and Metamorphosis in Australian Children’s Media’ during the Australian Children’s Media Symposium at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland on November 24–26, 2017.
Program: PDF file

27.10.2017 – Elizabeth Hale spoke at the Our Mythical Childhood Seminar, during the Seminar day organised by Marguerite Johnson, at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Program: PDF file

27.10.2017 Mythology and Education: History and Practice, an international conference organized at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, in cooperation with Our Mythical Childhood.
For more see: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/news/245

11.10.2017 – Susan Deacy made a presentation ‘Classical Myth: Bearer of Hope for Autistic Children?’ at a workshop Diversity and the Study of the Ancient World at the University of Roehampton, organised by F. McHardy and N.S. Rabinowitz, supported CUCD Education Committee and Classics and Social Justice
Program: PDF file
More on this: http://myth-autism.blogspot.com/2017/10/classical-myth-bearer-of-hope-for.html

07.10.2017 – Hanna Paulouskaya made a presentation ‘Ideology vs. Philosophy. The Interpretation of Greek and Latin Mythology in Soviet Animation’ at the conference Verjüngte Antike trifft The Past for the Present: Griechisch-römische Mythologie und Historie in Kinder- und Jugendmedien der Gegenwartskultur organized by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Munich, Germany).
Program: PDF file

7.10.2017 - Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture on “Wer wird Millionär? Der unermessliche Wert des Kontakts mit der Antike für die Kinder und Jugendliche im 21. Jahrhundert”, at the international conferece Verjüngte Antike trifft The Past for the Present: Griechisch-römische Mythologie uund Historie in Kinder- uund Jugendmedien der Gegenwartskultur, University of Munich.

28.9.2017 – Hanna Paulouskaya gave a paper ‘Sailing to the Costs of Colchis in the Soviet Culture’ and made a presentation about the Our Mythical Childhood project and OBTA UW at the international interdisciplinary conference Classical Antiquity and Memory in the 19th to the 21st Century organized by the University of Bonn.
Program: PDF file

22.9.2017 – Elizabeth Hale gave a lecture ‘Our Mythical Childhood’ at the Department of Classics, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

22.9.2017 – Elizabeth Hale gave a lecture ‘Our Mythical Childhood’ as part of the University of Otago’s Classics Association Lecture Series (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Information: PDF file
The Department of Classics, University of Otago, Newsletter:PDF file

15.9.2017 - Katarzyna Marciniak held a lecture on “Polen sucht den Superstar. Ovid zwischen Zensur und Freiheit”, at the Zwischen Kanon und Zensur. Ovid als Bildungsgegenstand Workshop (Ovid’s Year Celebration), at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

8-9.9.2017 – Faculty of ‘Artes Liberales’ of the University of Warsaw and Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana co-organized in Ljubljana an international symposium European Humanism and Its Challenges in affiliation with Vilenica literary festival.
Elżbieta Olechowska gave a paper Innovative Diversity of Academic Offer as a Response to Audiovisual Propagation of Second-Hand Knowledge of the Classical Humanities presenting inter alia the ERC project Our Mythical Childhood
Booklet: PDF file

23.6.2017 – Dorota Bazylczyk and Anna Mik went to London for the conference organized by the University of Roehampton Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on! Dorota and Anna had poster presentations:
Dorota Bazylczyk: The Consequences of Avoiding the Topic of Rape in Children’s Stories About Medusa
- Poster: PDF file
Anna Mik: Why Centaurs Do Not Rape Anymore? Looking for Sexuality in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Culture Inspired by Classical Antiquity
Program: PDF file

31.3.2017 – Anna Mik gave a paper ‘How to Change a World with a Song. Influences of the American Film Musical on Walt Disney Studios Animations,’ during The Child and the Book Conference: Interdisciplinary Links Between Children’s Literature and Arts at the University of Valencia
Program: PDF file

24.3.2017 – Sonya Nevin made a presentation ‘Animation and Outreach: The Panoply Vase Animation Project and Our Mythical Childhood’ during a seminar at the HumsLab at the University of Umea, Sweden
13.3.2017 - Katarzyna Marciniak had classes on “Die Rezeption der antiken Kultur in Polen – Geschichte, Methoden und Perspektiven”, at Giovanna Alvoni’s Corso di Ekdotik und klassische Philologie (Laurea Magistrale in Filologia, Letteratura e Tradizione Classica)”, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Universita’ di Bologna

08.3.2017 - Katarzyna Marciniak gave a lecture on “Upowszechnianie nauki” [Research Popularization] and moderated the subsequent panel, via Skype, at the conference of Polish Young Academy at the Polish Academy of Science Kierunki reformy PAN i AMU [Directions of Reforms at PAN and AMU], Polish Academy of Science Conferences and Congresses House, Jabłonna.

12.1.2017 - Katarzyna Marciniak held the lecture “Tam, ale nie z powrotem. Pinokio Carla Collodiego i Dziwoląg Potężny Rodmana Philbricka o nieodwracalności metamorfozy” [There, but not back again. Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi and Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick on the irreversibility of a metamorphosis], at the conference O czym mówią rzeczy? [What are the things talking about?], organized by the Laboratory for Research on Literature for Children and Youth UW and the Museum of Children’s Book in Warsaw.

25.10.2016 - Katarzyna Marciniak gave a presentation on “ERC Grants from the Perspective of an ERC Laureate SH5” at an ERC Workshop, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Next, together with Elizabeth Hale, partecipated in a consultation session for the ERC candidates.

20.10.2016 – Elizabeth Hale gave two lectures ‘Trends in Contemporary Australian and New Zealand Young Adult Literature’ at the Department of English Studies at the University of Wrocław

17.10.2016 – Elizabeth Hale gave a lecture ‘Antipodean Antiquities: The Classical Tradition in Children’s Literature from Australia and New Zealand’ at the Faculty of ‘Artes Liberales,’ University of Warsaw

9.10.2016 – Elizabeth Hale has made a Workshop on Picture-books at the Centre for Theatre Practices ‘Gardzienice’ for the students of the Faculty of ‘Artes Liberales,’ University of Warsaw