Showing 23 entries for tag: Thanatos
Johnny Capps , Julian Murphy, Howard Overman
Aleksei Bitskoff, Maz Evans
Beyond the Odyssey (Who Let the Dogs Out, 3)
Elisa S. Amore, Kiera Legend
Demigods Academy: The Threads of Life (Demigods Academy, 4)
Anita Rejch
Greek Myths. Fairytales of the Ancients [Mity greckie. Baśnie starożytnych]
Joan Holub, Craig Phillips, Suzanne Williams
Hades and the Helm of Darkness (Heroes in Training, 3)
J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, 3)
John Bankston
Józef Ciembroniewicz
Nintendo Research and Development Team 1 , Project Sora , TOSE Software , Toru Osawa, Masafumi Sakashita, Masahiro Sakurai, Gunpei Yokoi
Grzegorz Kasdepke
Myths for Children [Mity dla dzieci]
Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams
Nyx the Mysterious (Goddess Girls, 22)
Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams
Persephone the Phony (Goddess Girls, 2)
Persona (Series): Persona 2: Eternal Punishment; Persona 3
Aleksei Bitskoff, Maz Evans
Simply the Quest (Who Let the Gods Out?, 2)
Nina Vasylenko
The Adventures of Aeneas the Cossack [Пригоди Козака Енея (Pryhody Kozaka Eneia)]
Rebekka Pax
The Heart of the Harpy [Das Herz der Harpyie]
Grzegorz Kasdepke, Witold Vargas
The Most Beautiful Myths for Children [Najpiękniejsze mity dla dzieci]
Elżbieta Safarzyńska, Mateusz Stefanko
The Most Beautiful Myths [Najpiękniejsze mity]
Paul Shipton
Otari Dumbadze
The Rock of Sisyphus [Камень Сизифа (Kamen' Sizifa)]
Anne Ursu
The Shadow Thieves (The Cronus Chronicles, 1)
Kendare Blake
Aleksei Bitskoff, Maz Evans
Who Let the Gods Out? (Who Let the Gods Out?, 1)